our new birth 2 DVD 131o18 RECONNECTION TO THE NOWNESS OF REALITY set is the newest performance of this highly recommended and in the world most unique ensemble of a MUSIC+DANCE IMPROVISATION COMPANY and features next to GUNTER HAMPEL-PRINCE ALEGS-MAYA MAGDALENA-JOHANNES SCHLEIERMACHER-CAVANA LEE HAMPEL- BERND OEZSEVIM-our newest member ,the fabulous DANILO CARDOSO from rio de janeiro. this is another breathtaking performance you do not want to miss, stay tuned for our upcoming live-performances and get the new 2 DVDs like a fresh breeze into your ears and eyes !!! seeing and hearing this togetherness makes your heart jump of joy ! this is our record of the year !

“this is THE recording, THE performance I had dreamed about , when i founded my music+dance improvisation company, in the year 2ooo. this is my gift for the new millenium to the people !” gunter hampel

wir bieten euch/dir

dieses phantastische ensemble

zum buchen an

bookings :

email gunthampel@aol.com

+49 o177 26 28 o12

ebenfalls kann dieser 2 DVD set für € 15.99 + 2 € versand schnell zugesandt werden.

bei unseren stammkunden auf rechnung

erstbesteller bitte im voraus


postgiro 23 92 33 3o7

blz 25o 1oo 3o

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please send the amount of the bill - bitte rechnungsbetrag überweisen auf

gunter hampel
acc/konto nr. 239 233 3o7
bankleitzahl : 25o 1oo 3o

from outside of germany :
special low price check transfer from your bank:

international account nr IBAN: DE66 25o1 oo3o o239 2333 o7

as soon, as the money has arrived, we will send you the goods
thank you