our new birth 2 DVD 131o18 RECONNECTION TO THE NOWNESS OF REALITY set is the newest performance of this highly recommended and in the world most unique ensemble of a MUSIC+DANCE IMPROVISATION COMPANY and features next to GUNTER HAMPEL-PRINCE ALEGS-MAYA MAGDALENA-JOHANNES SCHLEIERMACHER-CAVANA LEE HAMPEL- BERND OEZSEVIM-our newest member ,the fabulous DANILO CARDOSO from rio de janeiro. this is another breathtaking performance you do not want to miss, stay tuned for our upcoming live-performances and get the new 2 DVDs like a fresh breeze into your ears and eyes !!! seeing and hearing this togetherness makes your heart jump of joy ! this is our record of the year !
“this is THE recording, THE performance I had dreamed about , when i founded my music+dance improvisation company, in the year 2ooo. this is my gift for the new millenium to the people !” gunter hampel
The GUNTER HAMPEL MUSIC+DANCE IMPROVISATION COMPANY was founded in the year 2ooo and their incredible new concept has been documented on birth records .performances in germany, europe and the usa have established their unique concept of meaningfull simultaneous improvisational creative ensemble performances of a living music and dance togetherness. Hampel’s concept and ideas have gathered educated incredible talented musicians and dancers. as masters and forerunners in the field of improvised music and improvised dance .they are unique in the world at this time and their performances can all be seen and heard on birth records DVDs , since 2oo2. in our tourplans you find our performance dates and also workshop dates , which are for children 5-13,youth 12-18, grown ups 18+ which Gunter Hampel holds since 1972 !! see in our birth records complete catalog list their detailed available DVDs and become a fan of this one of a kind music+dance ensemble ! join our facebook page and be part of a huge world wide family….and be informed by our music and dance….enjoy your life !
bookings : gunthampel@aol.com +49 o177 26 28 o12
lieber gunter ,
herzlichen dank dür die cd u. dvd s !!!!
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